Really cool paintjob man! From what line is that Giant (scratchbuilt?), other mini's are Rackham, but never seen Giant before...Gz again on fantastic work
Insanity. I love the metallic effect and the skin tone. The scale of the piece is fantastic, I appreciate the challange involved in creating it! I'd love to get my hands on one of these!!!
Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Insane! So smooth! :)Kirill Kanaev
He looks brilliant! His armour is a thing from other dimension!Thomas "Stoessi" Stoesser
Where is the platinum medal option when you need one?Kurt "Darkezekiel" Knittelfelder
Very impressive, sooooooo smooooooooth and clean!!!Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Absolut fantastic paintingThomas Wasch
Brilliant...also these many details on the base..Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)
Damn man that's some top painting. Bravo sir!Manuel Wenkert
Only Three Words WHAT THE FUCK??? Absolutely outstanding peace of art!!!! WOW i really love it Where are the Platin Button Philip :)?Sergey We7 Chasnyk
Love it !Fesechko
Thanks everyone! This is really very inspiring to read all these comments!davidhernanz
Incredible !!! Congrat.Radovan DarkTower Rybovic
GENIAL! Gold for sureBranislav Babović
Really cool paintjob man! From what line is that Giant (scratchbuilt?), other mini's are Rackham, but never seen Giant before...Gz again on fantastic workPeter "Baphomet" TothPLUS
I have never seen something like this! Awesome! :)Lisa "Morgaine" Proell
So smooth and clean! What an awesome painting job!Meg Maples
I can't find anything wrong with it! Truly inspirational!Archontis Kitsios
Incredible job! Very subtle color transitions and fitting palette!Andy Gillaspy
Unbelievably awesome! Inspirational; technically and emotionally breathtaking! Superlatives run out describing this project.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
GoooooooooldJENNY GREENTEETH Studios
Amazing paint job. Apparently you don't use metal colors, but it looks like metal. Great effects.Ben Baird
Also wondering about the giant. Scratch built???Fesechko
My friend presented me this model. It was made by Viktor Voronenko. Try to search Ave-miniatures . c o m , there you'll find his works.Ben Baird
The darn thing is sold out! Anyone know where I might get a copy??? $$$$Jonathan Hart
Insanity. I love the metallic effect and the skin tone. The scale of the piece is fantastic, I appreciate the challange involved in creating it! I'd love to get my hands on one of these!!!Jakob V
Holy shit. This is just incredible work