Weekend Challenge #7 Vealia Arra by White Werewolf Tavern
A 3D print that was painted at the same time as Kara Nash and Mark Soley
It was a lovely week away.

We normally have our annual painting competition in Australia this time of the year. Around Australia day 26th January
As a result of COVID19 that didn't happen this year. So instead of feeling sad Kara Mark and myself decided that a few days inside painting and eating way to much good food was a comparable substitute.

We went to the portrait Gallery and Kara tried an abstract line like method she saw
Mark had not painted busts before, (he is the basing king) and had also taken a 2 year hiatus from minipainting to renovate his lovely house
And I am still on my learn how to paint women journey

So we all learnt a lot and had way too much cheese and good food

Happy painting <3 Casey