What comes to Stormcast, initially I didn’t really care for them. I liked the superb ghost models and thought if I’m getting into a fantasy miniature tabletop wargame, I better pick something bit more “fantastical” than human paladins but they just somehow won me over.
My high point was the Lord Arcanum from the Soul Wars box.
There’s been a steep learning curve I’ve overcome in this model. For someone returning to modern hobby delights of the 21st century, there’s just a ton to learn and experiment with. Sculpting w’ green stuff (the somewhat nonexistent underside of the Gryph charger), creating the temple ruin themed scenic base w’ a thermoplastic mould recast statue shard and textured cobble stone floor. Basing materials etc. were all totally new territory to me.
I had several ideas what I wanted and tried to paint all of them to the highest standard I can. I had the idea of doing the star field on the cape (good ol’ toothbrush), but was too afraid to do it before. When everything else was done I thpugh I’m going to regret if I’m not doing it. You never know what might end up being your last mini or your best work. I was tired and lazy, so I ended fixing and hiding tens of tiny white species all over the model for few more hours...l
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Really appreciate the comment from an artist w' tales manyfold of my own!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
I like the base!gooster
Thank your your comment! Means a lot from someone w' your level of talent!Alfonso Ciattini
Great job!gooster
Grateful and humbled by encouraging feedback from an artist of your caliber!