My first print and paint, la Charra by Creepytables
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • Adam


  • Nicol Bonacina

    Great work

    • Adam

      Thank you Nicol

  • Peter"Peterpaint"Trenner

    Nice job!

    • Adam

      Cheers Peter

  • Ben "skodone"

    very nice! i like the color contrasts!

    • Adam

      Thanks Ben, I wanted to do something much more colourful than my previous works

  • EntrevonPLUS

    Belle harmonie des couleurs : gold !

    • Adam

      Merci Bernard

  • Toolove

    Nice job~

    • Adam


  • eric wolfsPLUS

    I never vote bronze on an achievement. When I like it, I vote silver or gold depending on the level, or I don’t vote.
    You put me a bronze on my last achievement by indicating that you like it. I like yours too, but would rather not write it down. Doing like you wouldn’t be right.

    • Adam

      Hi Eric, I never meant to offend you and if I did I apologise. My understanding is no vote is don’t like it, bronze I like it a bit, silver I like it a lot, gold it’s almost perfect. I have only been to one big open painting competition, and there I was one of the lucky people to win a bronze. I felt is was an honour not an insult, and the judging system they use there is the basis for how I appraise others work online. If you wish I will never vote anything less that silver on your work again. Please accept my apology.

    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Vote gold

    • Rhiana, "Cyradis"


      Eric goes to people’s works and complains about how they vote. It is rude and unprofessional. I also believe that bronze is not an insult. Your definition for Bronze, Silver, and Gold is logical and fair.

      I wouldn’t apologize to Eric if you voted with your honorable system of rankings.

    • Philip PrinzPLUS

      You got it exactly right Adam. Unfortunately many usere think only Goldo is positiv and everything else i s an insult.
      Eric, please stop demanding gold.

      Philip (admin)

    • Adam

      Thanks Rhiana and Phillip for your support. I am glad to hear I am voting correctly. Eric I hope there is no bad blood between us and we can move forwards without conflict

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


    • Adam

      Thank you

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    I like the color composition you set up. She’s well planned and consistent across the piece.

    • Adam

      Thanks, she’s my most colourful piece by far so I’m glad you like the composition

  • Ricardo Pisa

    Awesome version!

    • Adam

      Thank you Ricardo

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Very beautiful, professional painting, gold!

    • Adam

      Thanks Evgeny

  • WojciechBober72


    • Adam


  • Militarist_Studio

    Nice colors! Gold!

  • akitaka-misenai

    Beautiful color!
    Good job !