Still Life with Wi-Fi
Perhaps a little odd submitting something that has no 'figures' in it, per se. <br />
I've been interested in trying to bring some traditional modes into figure modelling for a while, and I thought still lifes might be an interesting challenge. As I developed my ideas, I thought it would be more interesting to create scenes where the 'people' are just off camera - as if they might interact with the objects at any moment.<br />
I also wanted to create scenes that evoke an emotional response or call a specific experience to mind, and to do it without latching onto obvious tropes.<br />
Anyway, in the end, I was very happy with how it all came out - I feel like I achieved something I didn't really know I wanted to do.<br />
Everything is scratchbuilt except the beer bottles, which are modified from some wine bottles I found in a Tamiya kit.<br />
In order from the left in the first image, these are 'Still life with bedroom detritus and wi-fi', 'Still life with old boots and wi-fi', 'Still life with Haagen-Dazs and wi-fi', 'Still life with sunflowers and wi-fi (after Van Gogh)' and 'Still life with beer and wi-fi'. The wi-fi is a joke between me and my wife about how any still life could include it.<br />
I hope you all like them!
Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Wow it is really cool! Great idea.
Fet Milner
golden idea , boots is my very slighty fav
Fet Milner
Cheers! That one seems to be the most popular
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Fet Milner
Thank you!
Great idea and very well executed
Fet Milner
eric wolfsPLUS
original subject, Well thought out and well done. Gold
Fet Milner
Thank you very much!
Nicol Bonacina
Great work!
Fet Milner
Still lifes are subjects that we generally see in 2D on canvas, here in 3 D it’s just awesome !! I love this kind of concept that comes out of what we usually see. I sincerely believe that being creative is an artist’s hallmark, congratulations !! Diamond !!
Fet Milner
Wow, that’s really nice of you to say! I’m glad you like them
Ben "skodone"
great idea and they turned out as very nice still lifes!
Fet Milner
Thank you!
Kyle Maitland
Excellent work all around, inspiring. I need to tackle something akin to this, it looks very fun
Fet Milner
Cheers, Kyle! You absolutely should - aside from a lot of swearing at the fiddly bits, they’re very calming.
Matt DiPietro
I love it :) Great idea and expression!
Fet Milner
vincenzo gambinoPLUS
Fet Milner
Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Really cool!!!
Fet Milner
Thank you!