Still Life with Wi-Fi
Perhaps a little odd submitting something that has no 'figures' in it, per se. <br />

I've been interested in trying to bring some traditional modes into figure modelling for a while, and I thought still lifes might be an interesting challenge. As I developed my ideas, I thought it would be more interesting to create scenes where the 'people' are just off camera - as if they might interact with the objects at any moment.<br />

I also wanted to create scenes that evoke an emotional response or call a specific experience to mind, and to do it without latching onto obvious tropes.<br />
Anyway, in the end, I was very happy with how it all came out - I feel like I achieved something I didn't really know I wanted to do.<br />

Everything is scratchbuilt except the beer bottles, which are modified from some wine bottles I found in a Tamiya kit.<br />
In order from the left in the first image, these are 'Still life with bedroom detritus and wi-fi', 'Still life with old boots and wi-fi', 'Still life with Haagen-Dazs and wi-fi', 'Still life with sunflowers and wi-fi (after Van Gogh)' and 'Still life with beer and wi-fi'. The wi-fi is a joke between me and my wife about how any still life could include it.<br />
I hope you all like them!
  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Wow it is really cool! Great idea.

  • girlpainter57

    golden idea , boots is my very slighty fav

    • Fet Milner

      Cheers! That one seems to be the most popular

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • Adam

    Great idea and very well executed

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    original subject, Well thought out and well done. Gold

    • Fet Milner

      Thank you very much!

  • Nicol Bonacina

    Great work!

  • Bran

    Still lifes are subjects that we generally see in 2D on canvas, here in 3 D it’s just awesome !! I love this kind of concept that comes out of what we usually see. I sincerely believe that being creative is an artist’s hallmark, congratulations !! Diamond !!

    • Fet Milner

      Wow, that’s really nice of you to say! I’m glad you like them

  • Ben "skodone"

    great idea and they turned out as very nice still lifes!

  • Kyle Maitland

    Excellent work all around, inspiring.  I need to tackle something akin to this, it looks very fun

    • Fet Milner

      Cheers, Kyle! You absolutely should - aside from a lot of swearing at the fiddly bits, they’re very calming.

  • Matt DiPietro

    I love it :) Great idea and expression!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS


  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Really cool!!!