A beautiful figure by Pegaso the "Argyraspides" 90mm. The gold and silver parts were painted with printers inks and the rest with acrylics. Hope you like it

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • Philippe

    Great job!

  • David Batista

    Gold! I have the same in my profile, maybe you want to see it.

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko


  • Stavros Zouliatis

    Awesome work, gold!!!

  • Phantom Duck

    thank you all guys for your comments and rating


  • Evgeny Golubev

    Good work, . Gold!

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Great painting !

    • Phantom Duck

      thank you Evgeny
      να σαι καλά Θόδωρε

  • Pierre Balmette

    Great version, love the facial expression and black/red helmet. Maybe the metals lack a bit of highlights, especially the shield. Gold anyway! I have a version of this in my gallery if you’d like to drop an eye.

  • Poliakov_Andrii


  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Sehr schöne Arbeit !    Gold von mir

  • Thanos_Zahos

    Πολύ όμορφη δουλειά Θεόφιλε!