Final pics of Ballsaurus, a beautiful figure from @spiramirabilis_miniatures , lots of fun with this goblin! I used the classic color scheme, since I saw the first image of Ballsaurus, it transported me back to those old days when I played with Orcs and goblins. I've tried to play with vibrant colors, using inks to emphasize this purpose. In the goblin clothes I did texture based on stippling, still learning this technique. The skin of the squig has not come out with the texture I was looking for....I still have a long way to go! Hope you like it! As usual thanks to @miniatureartacademy !
fantasticAndreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks!! ;)Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Love those goblin skintones. Looks like he’s burned himself while brewing up something nasty!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Hehehe sure! it also doesn't help that he never takes a shower XDWill “Sik Willy” Hahn
Awesome work bud, the more vibrant tones suit it well. One of the best versions in the classic squig color scheme I thinkAndreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks a lot my friend!! ;)Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo
Go go go gold!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks buddy!!tomtan-55
I like it!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks mateNik Ableev
Beautiful!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks, glad you like it! ;)Atila KawautiPLUS
Amazing work!Francois "Frado" Daugny
very impressive painting of contrasts and skin tone! Gold!!Carlos Tobes "Fire Brush"
Brutal, es la versión que más me gusta, yo soy de garrapato rojo de toda la vida. Me encanta!Iván Moles "Stuka"
Un trabajazo tío!! Muy muy bueno!! EnhorabuenaPoliakov_Andrii
GOLD!!!Enric "Fenrik studio"