Sculpted by @sara_nocturna
Painted by @aythamialonso
For @reinaroja.miniatures
I had a lot of fun painting this figure. Hard to create all the diorama, the gold lake, reflection, decisions made and rethought again. Trying to respect the incredible art of Lovell. But i think the result thas worth it.
I have all the process recorded on photos. This time will be no video due to the complexity of the project but will be a full article in the near future.
Hope you like it!
Pierre Balmette
Lovely work, much to see and interpret and a beautiful color scheme. Gold of courseMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
have no words to describe my feelings from seeing this. goldgirlpainter57
beautiful concept and masterful paintingIngvar_L3x
Unbelievable Project! Definitely Gold. Cheers.eric wolfsPLUS
great monotone painting ! goldAlex ✍
Beautiful work Aythami ❤️Vitaly Lapshin
Y aqui se juntan dos pasiones , la pintura de figuras y el dibujo. Increíble de verdad! no abras utilizado ORO real para el agua verdad ??jejej. Me encanta ORO por supuesto!Bran
Extraordinary !!Milosh Meehan
good lord almighty! I am speechless over this worksDirk R.
Fantastic ! The whole dio looks very harmonious. I like the very good implementation and the soft color transitions.Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
Definitely my favorite work of this KS, and still one of my favorite pieces of the year so far.