It was really a fun quick project and the only difficulty was where to place the white and to get the white covering the black entirely.<br />
<br />
The text on the base is from a very late chapter of the comic where Marv kills a priest in retaliation to the murder of his beloved Goldie.<br />
Hope you like it. :)
Edit: Because many ask for unedited pictures, I added another picture without any image editing. Hope this helps. :)
Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
A very cool project and good execution. Congrats :DRoman LappatPLUS
I am so much looking forward to see this guy in real in the future. I am not sure if the photos can transport the painted figure pretty good! Great idea and a very cool execution!Crackpot
Have to admit, the pictures were a bit difficult. Some black parts are a bit gray on the pics... :/ I think a gave my cam a hard time with this project. :DEkaitz Zárraga
I love Sin City! I feel you've made a very good job! Congratulations.Steffen K.
i reaaly got problems to realize what is painted and what is graphics. The project itself is damn cool - no question about that.Crackpot
Just added one last picture without any image manipulation...Branislav Babović
This is amazing, you Sir just made next step in Monochrome technique!!! Really like last pics, without photo background. It shows quality of your brushwork, thank you! ;-)Artem Romanov
Perfect! Wonderful effect, 3D miniature look like a drawт picture! Or picture look like a 3D mini:) Gold!Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)
Great work mate, I like the unedited pict the best.Archontis Kitsios
True to the comic! Very original! Great idea!Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Hi Crackpot, Gold for the great idea and the paint job!