• Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Wonderful and funny. One of the best version of this piece that I have seen so far! GOLD!!!

    • QZXC

      thank you

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Wonderful painting, creates the mood! gold!

    • QZXC

      thank you

  • WojciechBober72

    Wspaniała praca, piękny światłocień-Złoto!

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Nicol Bonacina


    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Eamon Connerty

    Wow! Gold!!!

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    I love that you gave them different themes but they have a similar style and fit together so well <3

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Really nice work matey!

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Realy great job ! Over gold

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • Alfonso Ciattini

    Excellent work!

    • QZXC

      Thank you

  • zuguo zhou


  • Pierre Balmette

    One of my favorite versions of this piece. Gold!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Great version !

  • Fabio Ricci

    beautiful! gold

  • Nik Ableev

    Beautiful work!

  • Oscar San MiguelPLUS

    I love this work!!!! Gold!!!!

  • Steve Garcia

    You’ve brought great character to each dwarf. Well done, congrats. Easy gold.

  • Liu Yu Kang


  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS
