This was a practice project I did to learn with Miniature Art Academy and David Arroba :)
  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    Nice~! Gold~!

    • Wade

      Thank you :D

  • Luis Sánchez T

    Congrats!! It looks great!! Gold

    • Wade

      Thank you!!

  • eric wolfsPLUS


    • Wade


  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great color pallete! Gold!

    • Wade

      Thanks you :)

  • snik

    beautiful work!!!! Gold!!!

    • Wade


  • Jakob VPLUS

    What a total grumpy, but ripped, sour-fased loser.

    But so wonderfully painted :)

    • Wade

      Hehe perfect :D

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS


    • Wade


  • Fabio Ricci

    I love it! Congratulations

    • Wade

      Thank you :)

  • Andrés Harambour

    Awesome job! I really like that it seems so simple, yet so well executed. The lighting scheme is beautiful. Gold!

    • Wade

      Thank you :)
      I like simpler projects generally. The composition and shape design is cleaner and I can play with the brush more if there isn’t too much detail etc.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • Wade

      Cheers ^^

  • John_Engstrand

    Love it, the light situation is really nice and a good conversion of that spear into a hose :)

    • Wade

      hehe thanks John ^^ He is a retired solider I guess :D

  • Thorbjorn Barone

    Awesome Andrew, well deserved editors, and of course gold from your boi.

    • Wade

      Cheers bro ^^

  • Tobias_K_Aasvang

    Truely brilliant and inspiring work!

    • Wade

      Thank you and glad you find it inspiring :D

  • Alex ✍

    Beautiful work ❤️

    • Wade

      Thank you

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS


    • Wade

      Thank you :)

  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Good skin yeah!!Congrats!! Gold

    • Wade

      Thank you :)

  • Sandro Zinzeri

    Gold !

    • Wade

      Thank you :)

  • Pierre Balmette

    Nice conversion and warm, sunset tones! Gold

    • Wade

      Thank you !
      It was a quick conversion to make him more civilian :)