This piece represent something very personal, it's a tale of a journey, through the world and through oneself, but it's also a story of guidance and mentorship, but eventually it's a story about passion and hope.

Beside the contrasted rough nature of the characters at play, I wanted the complete piece to exalt a poetic feeling, a more sensitively emotional style of expression.

The engraving is a Haiku by Issa Kobayashi, and can be read as:

"In the cherry blossom's shade
there's no such thing
as a stranger"

I dedicate this project to the 2 painters I admire the most, and from which I borrowed a lot; Aythami Alonso and Ben Komets.

based of "Baby Kappa" sculpted by the fantastic Lucas Pina Penichet, for Spiramirabilis
(and to be totally honest, the sculpt is asbolutely doing the heavy lifting, thank you Luca !)

PS: Thanks to Jamie Hutber for the help !