Horus Heresy Project - Lorgar 2021
Lorgar, Word Bearers Primarch form the Horus Heresy range. I love 40k Lore, and this serie of Primarchs for a collector always boosts my will to bring them to life.
I used Adrian Prado and Miguel Iglesias 40k Portraits as refference for this one.

54mm Sculpt by ForgeWorld.

Painted for a Collector. 3rd of many more to come....

Stay tuned on my Instagram:
  • Vitaly Lapshin


    • Jero Miniatures

      Thanks! Very glad you liked it Vitaly!!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • Joan_McGregor

    The word must be spoken. Great work

    • Jero Miniatures

      Hhahaha He’s selling some Best Seller books. ;P

  • hamboy

    I like this kind of relaxed painting

    • Jero Miniatures

      Cant hold myself from this style. I like that ilustration feel on my pieces

  • Stefano LancioniPLUS

    Gold for me, very evocative!

    • Jero Miniatures

      Grazie Stefano! I had a lot of fun painting it and trying to bring focus on its main parts. Bit of drama ;P

  • Steve Garcia

    Favorite version of this dude so far. Awesome work

    • Jero Miniatures

      Thank You Steve! You’ve made my day! I love your work.

  • byebye

    mmmmmmmm <3 Lorgar <3 Chaos :3