Hey Pepa!
Great to see you here!
I was really happy to be able to see your figures live at the SMC.
Like I told you, you paint with female magic on your brush. Great work!
Hi all!! Thanks a lot for your kind comments and votes, I really appreciate your interest about my work ;-)
Roman, I´m very pleased to meet you too at SMC...and I love your work too ;-)
Alexander, Thomas, Carmine, Karsten...thanks again!!
Kisses :-)
Thomas "Stoessi" Stoesser
Oh my god, this is beautiful!Alexander Deryabin (Zippo)
Gold Medal!!!!Roman LappatPLUS
Hey Pepa! Great to see you here! I was really happy to be able to see your figures live at the SMC. Like I told you, you paint with female magic on your brush. Great work!Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping
Awesome ! Absolut great painting style and colours. I´ve seen your work at the SMC, absolut brillant !!Pepa Saavedra
Hi all!! Thanks a lot for your kind comments and votes, I really appreciate your interest about my work ;-) Roman, I´m very pleased to meet you too at SMC...and I love your work too ;-) Alexander, Thomas, Carmine, Karsten...thanks again!! Kisses :-)Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Awesome work Pepa!Entrevon
Superbe , belle transparence : gold !