This is the "Spanish Halberdier" sculpted by Angel Terol in Pegaso Models, the material being white metal. All painted in acrylics Vallejo and Kimera.
The project was very enjoyable for me because the fantastic sculpt of maestro Terol reminds me of my grandfather Wilfrido to which this piece is dedicated to.
There is a small step by step in my instagram stories for anyone interested. Thank you so much!
Alfonso Ciattini
Great work!Rogelio Rivero Coronado
Thank you so much maestro Alfonso!Vitaly Lapshin
Красиво, золотоRogelio Rivero Coronado
Вы очень добры, thank you so much!Bratishka0579
зачетная работаRogelio Rivero Coronado
Спасибо, thank you very much, I am grateful!Luis Sánchez T
Muy bueno!!! Me gustan mucho los colores que has usado. OroRogelio Rivero Coronado
Muchisimas gracias caballero!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Welcome! Here is your first gold =)Rogelio Rivero Coronado
Thank you for the honor! I am very gratefuleric wolfsPLUS
Nice painting. GoldRogelio Rivero Coronado
Thank you very much, I cant thank you enough!vincenzo gambinoPLUS