• Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • John Delamere

    Love it!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thanks John!!! I really appreciate all of your support!!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great painting. Gold

  • Jim Jackson

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words. I think she has one of the best faces I’ve ever painted.

  • Nik Ableev


    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you Nik!!

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Amazing work!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you Atila! I painted this for Amazing Figure Modeler Magazine. You can see her in issue #70.

  • Luis Sánchez T

    Great painting!! The face is super real!!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you SO much Luis! I’ve been trying to push myself to get better at faces and especially eyes!!

  • Domenico Mimmo "Nightmare"

    Very very Nice!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very very much!!

  • StephanPLUS

    shes a beauty is it a garage kit or a print?

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you Stephan! She is a garage kit. The original sculpt was produced by ARH Studios and they also make kits available for some of their pre-painted statue releases.