• WojciechBober72


    • Zpx-

      Thanks !

  • Janna ‘Moo’

    Gorgeous work :)

    • Zpx-

      Appreciate it thanks !

  • Eamon Connerty

    Awesome work! Gold!

    • Zpx-

      Thanks !

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    this is great.

    • Zpx-

      Thank you ! Love your work

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    impressive skin tone and choices of colors, very adapted to the character. OSL are just prefect. GOLD!!

    • Zpx-

      Thanks a lot !

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    very impressive ! gold

  • Guillaume "Skas" Masselot

    Stunning paintjob. Atmosphere is on point congratz mate !

  • Frank Sehr

    Cool OSL and great paintjob ! Gold.

    • Zpx-

      Thank you

  • Fabien DOUGNIER

    Great work !

    • Zpx-

      Thanks man

  • Alessandro Natale

    Love the mood and that osl! Gold

    • Zpx-

      Merci !

  • Chris / g0rb

    Very well done! Gold!

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter


  • brenoooxd

    Nice Job! I am a 3D Character Artist at Loot and this is one of the sculpture I did. If you want, I can highlight you on my instagram =D just message me @brenofsalles