Sharbat Gula-The Afghan Girl
Sharbat Gula-The Afghan Girl
Sharbat Gula-The Afghan Girl
Sharbat Gula-The Afghan Girl
The eyes .... all the paintwork of this bust revolves about these eyes. I have tried to express what they tell me. I have tried to transfer the expression and magnetism of these girl´s eyes of the photo, to the sculpture I had in front of me, in my desk. I hope to have chieved it, even if it's minimally.;-)

A kiss: Pepa.

PS: More picts on my blog
  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS


  • Hendryk " Jimmy " Schröder

    Gold - what else !

  • A.Demidov

    I really like it

  • Dirk R.

    The girl has wonderful eyes !

  • Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping

    This eyes, oh god i love this eyes.

    Fantastic !

  • Ekaitz Zárraga

    Gold Pepa.
    Orazo, como un sol.

  • Eduardo Sanchez

    DA BUTI Pepa

  • Archontis Kitsios

    Gold, for the eyes alone!

  • Pepa Saavedra

    Thanks a lot for your kind comments Schiraga, Hendryk, A. Demidov, Dirk, Karsten, Ekaitz (gracias), Eduardo (idem) and Archontis!! I´m very pleased you like her…
    Kisses ;-)

  • TOM Gagel

    Eres la mesor pintora que he visto en mi vida. Sigue demostrando tu talento! :-)

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Me encanta, es un regalo para la vista.