I originally painted her with blonde hair but thought the red hair fit more with my temptation theme
  • Bran

    The skin is really very well done, at this size, it's very strong !!
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you Bran! This was a skin blending practice for me ... at this scale and with very little else on the model, if the skin wasn't right (or at least close), it would be obvious.
  • Clive Jackson

    Great skin work! Gold!...Looks like quite a big piece.
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you Clive! A long time ago, I used to paint nothing but gaming scale miniatures, but over the years, I have tried to translate those skills to bigger and bigger pieces. I should do a "fun with scale" post sometime so everyone can see the vast differences. I still do everything with a brush and it's definitely very different ... many more "large spaces" with minimal detail that require a different approach to blending. Thanks again for taking the time to comment and vote. I don't get many votes for my work! Cheers. jim
  • Clive Jackson

    Jim, like you this is how I started painting miniatures. I used to be a professional Designer and illustrator (retired now and painting for fun), although I did many airbrush illustrations over the years, I found the brush much more satisfying for miniature work. My one comment about this great piece you have pulled off would be to see it in a woodland setting or backdrop...however, I see the votes are stacking up nicely on this one!
    • Jim Jackson

      I would love to add more backdrops for my larger pieces, but I have to be somewhat selective and end up doing some as "character studies" ... I'm running out of room to display my pieces as it is.
  • John Delamere

    Another beauty!
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you John!!
  • Poliakov_Andrii

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you SO much!!!
  • Entrevon

    Remarquable peinture ! gold !
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you VERY much!!!