Thank you Bran! This was a skin blending practice for me ... at this scale and with very little else on the model, if the skin wasn't right (or at least close), it would be obvious.
Thank you Clive! A long time ago, I used to paint nothing but gaming scale miniatures, but over the years, I have tried to translate those skills to bigger and bigger pieces. I should do a "fun with scale" post sometime so everyone can see the vast differences. I still do everything with a brush and it's definitely very different ... many more "large spaces" with minimal detail that require a different approach to blending. Thanks again for taking the time to comment and vote. I don't get many votes for my work! Cheers. jim
Jim, like you this is how I started painting miniatures. I used to be a professional Designer and illustrator (retired now and painting for fun), although I did many airbrush illustrations over the years, I found the brush much more satisfying for miniature work. My one comment about this great piece you have pulled off would be to see it in a woodland setting or backdrop...however, I see the votes are stacking up nicely on this one!
I would love to add more backdrops for my larger pieces, but I have to be somewhat selective and end up doing some as "character studies" ... I'm running out of room to display my pieces as it is.
The skin is really very well done, at this size, it's very strong !!Jim Jackson
Thank you Bran! This was a skin blending practice for me ... at this scale and with very little else on the model, if the skin wasn't right (or at least close), it would be obvious.Clive Jackson
Great skin work! Gold!...Looks like quite a big piece.Jim Jackson
Thank you Clive! A long time ago, I used to paint nothing but gaming scale miniatures, but over the years, I have tried to translate those skills to bigger and bigger pieces. I should do a "fun with scale" post sometime so everyone can see the vast differences. I still do everything with a brush and it's definitely very different ... many more "large spaces" with minimal detail that require a different approach to blending. Thanks again for taking the time to comment and vote. I don't get many votes for my work! Cheers. jimClive Jackson
Jim, like you this is how I started painting miniatures. I used to be a professional Designer and illustrator (retired now and painting for fun), although I did many airbrush illustrations over the years, I found the brush much more satisfying for miniature work. My one comment about this great piece you have pulled off would be to see it in a woodland setting or backdrop...however, I see the votes are stacking up nicely on this one!Jim Jackson
I would love to add more backdrops for my larger pieces, but I have to be somewhat selective and end up doing some as "character studies" ... I'm running out of room to display my pieces as it is.John Delamere
Another beauty!Jim Jackson
Thank you John!!Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD!!!Jim Jackson
Thank you SO much!!!Entrevon
Remarquable peinture ! gold !Jim Jackson
Thank you VERY much!!!