Envoltats d'ocasos entremaliats, pintura i algeps, dolors d'excés
Caramel cobrint el teu pèl, pinzellades de mar en el cel.
Almenys em queda el consol de veure't i saber que estaràs, estaré.
Sculpted by Pedro fernandez for Women by Pepa Saavedra, distributed by FeR Miniatures.
Another beautiful addition to the series - I think this is my favourite so far for the autumnal colours and the sheer shawlJohn Davis
this is so beautiful straight to my favouritesMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great painting, gold!eric wolfsPLUS
GoldDavid Batista
Gold. Deseando ver el invierno!!Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоMarc MussatPLUS
another brilliant work ! deserves editor's ! :)Alexander Fedorov
Great job! She's alive!Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Que suavidad en esta obra Patri, magnifica ejecución.Bran
I just love it !!Jim Jackson
Wonderful color choices! Gold from me.Francois "Frado" Daugny
Excellent painting, and I love the choice of colors and the transparency effect! Gold!!Poliakov_Andrii
SUPER!!! GOLD!!!!John Delamere
Fantastic work Patricia!Pierre Balmette
Insane shadow effects and overall atmosphere, love it! GoldLuis UgartePLUS
Sublime la paleta de colores! Gran trabajo! Oro!Laurent
Sublime du grand art. Or évidemment