Envoltats d'ocasos entremaliats, pintura i algeps, dolors d'excés
Caramel cobrint el teu pèl, pinzellades de mar en el cel.
Almenys em queda el consol de veure't i saber que estaràs, estaré.

Sculpted by Pedro fernandez for Women by Pepa Saavedra, distributed by FeR Miniatures.
  • Josh_Underhill

    Another beautiful addition to the series - I think this is my favourite so far for the autumnal colours and the sheer shawl

  • John Davis


  • girlpainter57

    this is so beautiful straight to my favourites

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    great painting, gold!

  • eric wolfsPLUS


  • David Batista

    Gold. Deseando ver el invierno!!

  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Marc MussatPLUS

    another brilliant work !
    deserves editor’s ! :)

  • Alexander Fedorov

    Great job! She’s alive!

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Que suavidad en esta obra Patri, magnifica ejecución.

  • Bran

    I just love it !!

  • Jim Jackson

    Wonderful color choices! Gold from me.

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Excellent painting, and I love the choice of colors and the transparency effect! Gold!!

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    SUPER!!! GOLD!!!!

  • John Delamere

    Fantastic work Patricia!

  • Pierre Balmette

    Insane shadow effects and overall atmosphere, love it! Gold

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Sublime la paleta de colores! Gran trabajo! Oro!

  • Laurent

    Sublime du grand art.
    Or évidemment