These images are of two Cylon Raider kits I built and painted, around 2012 -- not too long after I first began writing various articles for "Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller". They were an English firm who used to publish a series of both "regular issues" and themed "special issues". This project appeared in volume 26 of their regular series. The entire article, plus many of the original as-sent photos, can be found at the WIP or SBS link.

The article talks about several things of possible interest to other scale modelers or similar hobbyists: one of which was a lot of very practical, no-nonsense tips and tricks, regarding lighting up your projects, using LEDs and easily hidden, coin-sized batteries.

One other thing that article of mine, from nearly a decade ago, explained, was how a person can “texture” the surfaces of a plastic model kit, using liquid model glue or cement. (I built two kits, and polished one up very smooth; and made the other’s surfaces look like the rough-faced, Mean Old Junkyard Dog version of a Cylon Raider.)

The biggest thing I tried to get across to readers is how much it matters to properly and carefully prepare any surface, before metallic paints are applied. As one example: the fourth picture is not showing metallic paint: that’s a plastic surface, that despite it’s rough texture, was shined to a near-mirror sheen; then it was primed; then the primer itself was polished up enough that even without metallic paints it has a bright, metal-like sheen.