This one is for my Mum, who is a huge fan of the Outlander series. Also after 6 years in Scotland it was high time I tried to paint a tartan.

Conversion of a MIG Productions 90mm miniature. I wanted my first painted Tartan to emmulate the faded tones that can be seen in the series, which to me feel natural and fitting for the technology, cloth and craftmanship of the period. All in all, it was a very instructive experience ("this is easier than I thought" led the way to "wait, is it thick blueish-brown now or thick brownish-brown?" which opened the door to "these patterns, they are against me... they are planning to kill me at night...").

  • Bran

    Congrats, I really like your job !!
    • Jaime Chocano

      Thank you for your kind comment.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Vitaly Lapshin

  • Entrevon

    Excellent travail : bravo !
  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great job! Gold!
  • ohtek

    Wow gold
  • Eamon Connerty

    Very nice! Really like the textures. Gold!
    • Jaime Chocano

      Thank you! I'd like to up my texture game :)
  • Poliakov_Andrii

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Sehr Ausdrucksstark - Gold von mir und weiterhin viel Erfolg Herzliche grüße Holger
    • Jaime Chocano

      Vielen Dank, Holger. Ich freue mich, dass du die Figur magst. LG Jaime
    • Holger SchwarzPLUS

      Jamie , Darf ich Dich bitten oder zu meinen Projekten Einladen , mir ein Feedback zu geben ! Dafür wäre ich dir sehr Dankbar , denn so haben wir in der Gesamtheit unseres Könnens eine gute Chance uns in unserem Handwerk zu verbessern ... liebe Grüße Holger