This is a boxart I painted for BlackCrow.

The figure was sculpted by Raul Latorre and designed by Gillermo Gonzalez.

  • Patricia Sancho

    Me gusta especialmente el foco que has creado en cara y pecho. Digo especialmente porque toda la pieza es fantástica, como siempre. Gold and editor’s

  • TimPLUS

    Stunning work my friend

  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Teanykyo

    i love.!

  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Gold!  Love the focus point…

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Perfect ! Gold

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Espectacular! Gold!

  • Luca Oldani

    very good painting. compliments
    Gold !!!

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Always superbly painted and inspiring <3

  • Chris / g0rb

    The lighting is superb, Gold!

  • John Delamere

    Great work!

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Very impressive application of color harmony with a selected choice of colors. Gold!!

  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    Lost for words. Gold of course.

  • Michаil_Malinin


  • Eduardo Fernandez

    Gran busto y grandisimo trabajo de pintura

  • joseluiscabrera

    impresionante. ORO