Here is Zweitung Blutnagel, the orc from Daybreak Miniatures.
Since this mini has a strong Warcraft vibe, I decided to give him a Mag'har orc skintone and a Horde shoulderpad.
I have played World of Warcraft for years and this paintjob was filled with good memories <3 It's actually a gift for a friend of mine who I played this game with for 15 years and I hope he'll like it !
It was my first time OSL so it's a bit messy but there's a first time for everything :D
Cheers internet people !!
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
goldGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
thx a lot Ivan !TimPLUS
I’m 100% certain he’ll love it! GoldGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks for your kind words Tim <3ohtek
wow moonlight~! gold!Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks Ohtek !vincenzo gambinoPLUS
gold :)Francois "Frado" Daugny
Very nicely done. Gold!!Flo « FFF » Rochet
Super ambiance ! Gold