I enjoyed experimenting with colors and brush strokes so much on this piece. The bust was primed in dark brown and there is no white or black paint used. The brightest color is an olive flesh and the shadows are a created with purples and blues. I wanted to bring an overall softness and innocence to this model that could be easily taken in a darker tone.

Model: Apples from Reina Rojas Miniatures
Plinth: Cut down tree Branch
Paint: Acrylics
  • Erkka MarttioPLUS

    Gold for sure, really impressive work!

    • Zambies

      Thank you so much!

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Masterpiece!!!! Gold

    • Zambies

      Thank you! I appreciate it!

  • girlpainter57


    • Zambies


  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS


    • Zambies

      Thank you!

  • Alfonso Ciattini

    Amazing! Here the tenth!

    • Zambies

      Thank you ! :D

  • Martin Procházka

    Wow, amazing work. Even those apples looks cool ;-)

    • Zambies

      Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy it :D !

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS


    • Zambies

      Thank you!!

  • Roman LappatPLUS


    • Zambies

      You honor me! <3

  • davidg100

    I like very much het skin tones, and her eyes are beautiful.
    The overall is excellent

    • Zambies

      Thank you so much!!