Painted for Craftworld Studio Contest - 2022
  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Great OSL, gold!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is just too cool! Lovely light game and the metallics reflect it beautifully. Works perfect with the background. The paintjob itself is a gold for me. I voted gold. It is not a strong gold as I do not like how the base and the backdrop connect. I still see the cork plates and some unpainted cork here and there. Overall it works really good and the painted effect is really nice. I just miss a little bit more love to detail clean up. Suggestion to include the backdrop better to your base is to fill up gaps with putty and sand it properly or build up a frame from plastic card and sand this properly. The avoid the cork look just like cork you can use fine soil or sand and integrate in in the corners. All before priming. Still, well done!

    • Maria Alberta "Musha" Iaia

      Hi Roman!!! Thank you sooo much for your amazing feedback! I do agree with the cork, the backdrop was made with plasticard and used the listels to keep it straight… it was the first time doing this kind of basing therefore I kinda improvised XD But thanks again for all!

  • vincenzo gambino

    gold :)

  • Peter"Peterpaint"Trenner

    very nice!!

  • Luca Oldani

    Beautiul   gold !

  • Antonio

    Una pieza preciosa! Me parece estar viendo un póster , esta increíble.
    De donde ha salido la pieza? entiendo que no es comercial, se puede conseguir?

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Fantastic work!!!! Gold!!!

  • Ale Moro

    Wow! I love it! Gold!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
