Hi guys !

“Dinner Party” i

When I first saw this magnificent vignette sculpted by Sergei Gusev I immediately wanted to paint it!
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    gold :)

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Уандерфул 0_0
    И конечно же голд.

  • girlpainter57


  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"


  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is a gold from my perspective. The base setup and build up, all the little details are magnificant. And the story is great too. An important part in a diorama. Paintjobs are so beautiful and the color choiches just right on spot.

    The only thing that feels a little off for me is that on the dragon’s lair side all feels a little bit squeezed and pressed in with no harmonic balance. Also I do not understand the two wood pieces glued to the wall. Either they fall off at this moment as the draggon breaks through, but then I miss the dynamism in the full movement or they should fall into the water as the wall seems steep.

    My favourite view that you present us is picture number three.
    Wonderful project!

    • Pavel Gurianov

      Thanks you very much Roman for such a detailed analysis and feedback .

      These two pieces of wood were once a wooden ladder that someone attached to the wall and it collapsed from old age . I also wanted to fill an empty space with these pieces of wood . But now, taking a fresh look at this project, I understand that they really look implausible.

      Glad you liked this project !:)

  • TimPLUS

    Suck a beautiful scene, I think those 2 adventures are about to have a very bad day! - Gold

    • Pavel Gurianov

      Yea, they definitely chose the wrong path:)
      Thank you!

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Напоминает старые игры, в которых присутствовал свой шарм и изюминка! Отличная работа, только золото!

  • Antic

    Просто крутотень, особенно в живую)

    • Pavel Gurianov

      Спасибо Антох :)

  • DrLiche

    it reminds me of the “june” picture of the Kalendar from “Kroc le bo”
    Gold anyway, it is beautifully painted !

  • Rodrigo Lucas (rodni_salmorejo)


  • Tommaso Cefalo - inkminiatures
