Nicely done under-lighting, it contrasts well with the main blue directional light. I do feel that it means the bottom picture is the most visually interesting overall though. Maybe some colour variation in the wings or bringing the glow around more into the principle angle, would have elevated this piece a touch more. Still a great job though.
Jakob V
Ooooh that’s cool. Fantastic overall feelStan VPLUS
Nicely done under-lighting, it contrasts well with the main blue directional light. I do feel that it means the bottom picture is the most visually interesting overall though. Maybe some colour variation in the wings or bringing the glow around more into the principle angle, would have elevated this piece a touch more. Still a great job though.Stan VPLUS
Thanks a lot! Tried to fallow the customer's wishes =)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
голдуюStan VPLUS
Благодарствую)vincenzo gambinoPLUS
gold :)Stan VPLUS
Thanks you!Marc MussatPLUS
very impressive color choice ! works very well !Stan VPLUS
Thanks a lot, appricite it!girlpainter57
goldStan VPLUS
Thank you!Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоStan VPLUS
All views are really nice, but the 3rd with the cold/warm contrast is just amazing ! GoldStan VPLUS
Thanks a lot!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Excellent, great work with the light.Stan VPLUS
Благодарю!)Ale Moro
Very cool! Gold!Stan VPLUS
Thank you!Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli
wowStan VPLUS
Thanks!Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"
Gold!!!Stan VPLUS
Thank you!Eamon Connerty
This immediately took me back to my youth, loved that toon! Excellent work, gold!Stan VPLUS
Thanks, appreciate it!Sandro Zinzeri
Woow ! Gold !Stan VPLUS