You can find this figure in the next Print And Play Miniatures Kickstarter (nocturna models) the project will be called DOOM and will be available on February 9, 2022 I hope you like the painting.
  • davidg100

    Great scenery !
    The color scheme works so well !

  • davidg100

    Great scenery !
    And the color scheme… it works so well !

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    The scenery, lighting, and blending is superb on this :)

  • girlpainter57

    beautiful   gold

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great painting, congrates ! Gold

  • Patricia Sancho

    Que pequeñita!

    • Jesús Gómez

      Siii. Las figuras de nocturna me han parecido siempre muy estilizadas incluso las versiones de 30mm. He sufrido para que no se me rompa XD y aun así se a roto un par de veces.T.T

  • Ale Moro

    nice colors! Gold!

  • John Delamere

    Love this!

  • Bran

    Well done Jesus !!

  • John Davis

    incredible painting skill on a figure of this scale (or any scale )

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    fantastic work,gold

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Excellent - gold my friend.