The Green “Hollow” Knight!

From Bigchild Creatives Echoes of Camelot series.

Inspired by Craftworld Studio Antonio Peña Miniatures & Jakeyzh Painting Studio

I must say that this has been the toughest experiment and test I’ve ever made since now.. even more than trying the Gold NMM on my “The “Good” Hound” painted last week…

The goal was to recreate the sun rays from the sunrise hitting the fierce Knight! I’m satisfied with the result and I hope you too
  • Jakob V

    You did really good! I really enjoy the atmosphere.
  • davidg100

    I love this more automnal version ! Gold
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Very harmonic and strong atmosphere! Not an easy piece to paint and to put focus on. You did well in all these autumn colors! Lovely!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great job. Gold
  • Patricia Sancho

    Really good painting job here! Just one thought about photography. it seems the figure is complete floating: there's no relation between figure and background. Photoshop cutting i guess. BTW gold and editor's
    • Maria Alberta "Musha" Iaia

      Thanks a lot Patricia! Didn’t use photoshop, just darken the background with “black point” on the iPhone option. The model is just placed above a black wooden base ;)
  • Ale Moro

    Love it! Gold!!
  • Ladislav MajerPLUS

    Love it - Gold :)
  • Jim Jackson

    Glorious! I love the color choices! GOLD!!!!
  • Denis Izotov

    this lighting is simlpy beautiful
  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    Bellissimo oro
  • trax_the_trickyPLUS

    I really like this!