Completed the second diorama on the theme of Indians.
Beyond the Frontier.
In this case, the idea was to build a diorama vertically. Create something like a column. I would like to emphasize even more the idea laid down by the author of the sculpture. Striving for height.
The height of the diorama is 70 cm .
I created the rock and the trees.
@ALTORES studio.
Sculptor Alexander Deryabin.
Scale 1:24.

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    What a amazing piece!

  • girlpainter57


  • Jakob VPLUS

    Your idea for this is lovely. I love the whole feel of it, although it is odd in a good way. Your painting is, as always, stunning, and the whole thing makes me feel like it is part of a movie. And that is good. I think it could have maybe done more to tell a story with the vertigal parts, but maybe tje beauty is that it doesn’t. I can see this standing in an office space as well as a miniature collection, and that makes it really interesting. The scale is super cool. That is a gold, fave and editor from me! Well done.

    • Elena_Shtentsel

      Hello Jakob.
      Thank you very much for your extended comment. I am very glad that my work evokes emotions. And it’s very nice that you understood my idea.

  • danielenocella1964

    WOW! Fantastic.scenery…Gold, obviously.

  • EntrevonPLUS

    Impressionnant, pari réussit pour cette très belle pièce toute en hauteur : gold !

  • Stanislav_Musevich

    Очень красиво! Золото!

    • Elena_Shtentsel

      Спасибо большое !!!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I agree with everything; Jakob Villien said here. It is so different and so unique and this approach is beautiful!

    • Elena_Shtentsel

      Hello Roman.
      Thank you very much for your comment!
      It is very important and nice to hear your impression.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    very beautifull, i like a lot ! Gold

  • Sagumo

    Фигассе! Выходит, я видел только “верхушку айсберга”! Шикардос, что тут сказать.

    • Elena_Shtentsel

      Спасибо большое! Я рада что нравится!

  • Vladimir_Golubev

    Золото! Отличный пейзаж!

    • Elena_Shtentsel

      Владимир, спасибо большое !!!

  • Eamon Connerty

    Amazing work! Gold!!!

  • Pierre Balmette

    Bold choices for the base and outstanding result, congrats ! Gold!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    gold greath work

  • Sandro Zinzeri

    Gold !

  • David Batista


  • joseluiscabrera

    ORO compañera, un saludo

  • Franky2PLUS


  • Jay Martin (Redrum)

    This is so nicely done, I love the concept and the scale of it! GOLD!