'The Last Bite'


Work: conversion, basing, painting, art direction
Scale: 28mm, Zombies from different brands, Survivors by Hasslefree Miniatures

A beast of a diorama, including 407 miniatures in scale 28mm and lots of superglue. Thanks to everyone involved as a large amount of Zombies were painted by the great help of this amazing community. I only painted about 90 Miniatures myself, including the survivors. Thank you all! Without your help this would have not been possible! Special sculpting work by Kevin James White included. Thanks to Andrew for putting the title in my head. It did not leave me. Time to take a deep breath now.

Find a 101 paged PDF step by step about the creation of this diorama in my etsy shop.

See link below.

Keep on happy painting!


You can follow my work here!
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Amazing project !
    So much details !
    Great story telling !
    Editors from me

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Marc. I am happy that this diorama is enjoyable for the eyes even the story is tragic!

  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov

    WOW! Really big work and so much details! Gold

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Oh yes, an absolutely epic diorama. So much work and a fantastic result. Looking forward to hopefully see it live at a show somewhere in the future!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Magnus! I am really happy that you like it! I hope we can meet in the near future on a show and I would love to show this diorama in real to you! Many thanks for your kind words!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Another gold too. But why two posts for the same subject ?
    But that doesn’t really matter!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Eric! It makes me happy that you enjoy the diorama! Sure I can explain why I did two uploads of the same object. On one hand it does not matter, but it matters somehow as you mentioned it. I did these two uploads as the diorama is so huge and has many details to see. The effect on miniatures photographed on bright or dark backdrop is different. I wanted to show both version with the maximum number of photos. Unfortanetely the site is limited to 16 photos per upload only. This is why I made two uploads of the same object.

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Hey Roman, das Diorama ist toll geworden! Lange haben wir darauf gewartet! Unglaublich. Diese Dynamik. Die Graben sind herrlich! Besonders von der Brücke. Das Licht wirkt wie ein spotlight. Ich hoffe die Gruppe der Nicht Zombies überlebt. Große Klasse und ich freu mich das diese Meisterwerk fertig ist!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Lieben Dank, Marius. Ja, es hat echt ewig viel Zeit und Energie gebraucht. Alles hat seine richtige Zeit. Danke für dein tolles und nettes Feedback!

  • Tibor

    Stunning work, and the lighter background seems to suit better.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks for the feedback. I think so too!

  • Riccardo.Wino.Corno

    Massive diorama! It’s astonishing! The composition it’s just brillant and the sense of action it’s so strong!
    This diorama came from another world!
    Great job!!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Riccardo. Really happy that you like my creation so much!

  • mikey

    Ha! I found the Astronaut!

  • Patricia Sancho

    Holy shit XD

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Patricia! Happy you like it!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    fantastico and very difficult work,is greath!

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    EPIC roman! you are great and unique creating scenes, generating inspiration for the whole community forever. Thank you!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many, many thanks for the kind words of yours, Andreu. They make me blush!

  • Scott "Miniac" Walter

    What a monumental goal achieved. Congratulations, Roman. This piece is spectacular!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Scott! Really happy you like it and happy you were able to take your time for this comment as I know how much workload you got at the moment! Appreciated!

  • CyAniDe

    Fantastic work. The amount of miniatures and sice of the whole piece is insane. The detail is great like the effect of the bullets hitting the zombies or the mikey mouse- and bee costume zombies. There is so much to find.
    The light on the scene and the composition is amazing. What I struggle with on a single mini, you pull off with ease on a whole diorama with hundreds of minis xD
    So great craftmanship, composition, color harmony and strong expression. Gold

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot! There is truely a lot going on, while working on it I become “Zombie-blind” :D

      I did not pull it off with ease, but I am happy that it feels that way :)

      Thank you for your wonderful feedback!

  • Stan VPLUS

    Roman, you did an amazing, outstanding work! The most stannung is to create personalities for those 400+ figures, I guess… Not just a mass, but an individuals. I really like a little bee; the chicken costume is so comic at this situation, and it seems like I can see Elvis there! This work forces to scrutinize it over and over, bravo!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you very much! Many thanks for your kind words!

  • Cristiano

    Very beautifull idea and realization. Gokd

  • Alex ✍

    Beautiful work! Very ambitious!

  • Michael FischerPLUS

    Hallo Roman,
    Ich möchte nur eines sagen. Das ist die Ausdrucksweise eines
    Künstlermeisters der es einfach drauf hat. So etwas umzusetzen in dieser
    Detailtiefe ist einfach gelungen schön. Gold + Editors

  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Bloody hell… is what that looks like, great atmosphere! So much to look at and take in.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot for the kind words, really appreciated!

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • Janna ‘Moo’

    Fantastic work. So many little details to explore and I’m sure I haven’t even seen half of it. But that dystopian Mickey Mouse.. so good!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Janna! I see something new everytime I lay my eyes on it, too :D

  • Alessandro Natale

    This is just lovely. It reminds me those comic style artworks where you have a million single stories hidden in the picture and regardless the time you look at it every time you have the feeling to discover something new, an Easter egg in a lost spot or a detail you didn’t check the last time. Thanks Roman for making this kind of marvels and make of this passion such an enjoyable playground!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Alessandro. Thank you for enjoying my creations this much! Many thanks for your kind words!

  • John Delamere

    This is mind blowing! Fantastic work!

  • Sebastian Schubert

    Ich finde die Idee und die arbeit die darin steckt sehr sehr schön.
    Ein Community Projekt daraus zu machen und Fans deiner Arbeit mit einzuschließen, finde ich toll.
    Der Fokus liegt Perfekt und eine Spannende Geschichte wird erzählt.

    Als kleine Kritik, hätte ich mir das ein oder andere Detail gewünscht, wie z.b ein Graffiti unter der Brücke oder Vögel auf der Brücke.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Hey Sebastian, freut mich wirklich sehr, wenn es gefällt. Ja war ein irre Projekt, welches ohne die Hilfe der lieben Menschen die dazu beigetragen haben, nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Schier vom Aufwand her und der Anzahl der Figuren. War wirklich mehr wie Art Direction am Ende, auch wenn die 90 Figuren von mir bemalt schon auch geschlaucht haben.

      Danke auch für die Kritik und das Feedback. Ich habe da auch lange gehadert und sogar schonmal ein Grafiti an der Wand vorskizziert. Dachte auch an alte Poster oder so. Mir war es dann aber zuviel, zusätzliche, unntige visuelle Information bei dem ganzen Gewusel und ich wollte es auf das Wesentliche konzentriert lassen. Weiß aber was Du meinst, ich vermisse das von der Logik her auch.

      Vögel waren bei dem Schusswechsel und der Lautstärke für mich keine Option. Auch keine Davonfliegenden, da die Aktion ja schon etwas länger läuft.

  • Grimdarkpaint

    What a wonderful piece, like your last light art, this really captures the sense of ‘moment’. Very inspiring, great art, thank you for taking the time to share and create it.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot for your kind comment :)

  • Peter "Baphomet" TothPLUS

    Well done! Nice atmosphere and storytelling as usual.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Hello Roman, I’m sorry to come here to pollute your subject, but I just wanted to thank you for your last votes that you put on my pieces. Silver from you, I consider it more than gold from other votes. Simply, I would like you to tell me how I could improve my work, and tell me what you think when you put a vote. Thank you in advance, and congratulations for what you do, and which I admire a lot.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Hey Eric, thank you for your comment. No worries, this is not pollution. I see this as a kind reminder to give you some feedback as you ask for it. Unfortanetely I can not do a long feedback comment every time I vote miniatures on here, but I will take care to write you some of my thoughts now to your projects. Thank you for appreciating my honest way of voting here and your kind words.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Hello Roman, I’m sorry to come here to pollute your subject, but I just wanted to thank you for your last votes that you put on my pieces. Silver from you, I consider it more than gold from other votes. Simply, I would like you to tell me how I could improve my work, and tell me what you think when you put a vote. Thank you in advance, and congratulations for what you do, and which I admire a lot.

  • Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"

    I love this piece, Roman. It is one of those figures that I would love to have in my showcase. I love these crazy projects, and they encourage me to let my craziness fly.

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Incredible, fantastic, wonderful is a great work, gold.

  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Gold without doubt for this beast of diorama!

  • Stefano LancioniPLUS

    Impressive composition indeed.

  • Jarek

    There is Mickey Mouse, The Joker, Elvis and even “Die Biene Maja’s” weird friend. What can I say, insanity at it’s finest, on one side the diorama itself and authors skill at the other;)

    I saw Your stuff very looong time ago on cmon and thought, this guy is good. I remembered it cause that “keep on happy painting” phrase. Long story short, I avoided social media/tracking cmon itself and other “industry” sites for more than six years and focused on different things. Today I checked my latest project, and BANG! a vote from Jarhead. It was a very happy morning.

    so I say, keep on happy painting :)

  • Charles King

    Scary at the same time brilliant!!!! I wish to reach your status. Amazing!!! Gold from me.