• Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Love your version!
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you SO much!!
  • davidg100

    Great painting Gold
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very much!!
  • Pierre Balmette

    Great job on such a big scale! Love the helmet and bronze verdegris effect. Gold !
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very much. I really enjoy painting organic effects.
  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Expectacular!!!! Oro.
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very much for the kind words!!
  • Entrevon

    Superbes yeux : gold !
    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you for all of your support!
  • John Delamere

    Fantastic Jim. I must get your rust and copper patina recipes sometime.
    • Jim Jackson

      Thanks John! Drop me a PM sometime on FB and I’ll be happy to share.
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Ich bin gerade unglaublich begeistert von Deiner Kunst Jim ... Gold von mir und ich freue mich schon jetzt auf weitere Werke Herzliche Grüße Holger