First upload here! I started with a bold, colorful vision for the shadows and then went back to a more conservative approach by pure inertia. Pretty satisfied with the result overall, but next time I'll try to be braver.
  • davidg100

    Beautiful version of this best seller bust. I particularly appreciate the
    NMM. It is a pitty that the sword appears bent on the 3rd picture …
    Anyway it’s a gold

    • Pablo Peinado

      Thank you so much! I tried to straighten it with warm water, but was afraid of breaking it. Fortunately it’s only apparent from certain angles.

  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • EntrevonPLUS

    Beau travail : gold !

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Belle mise en peinture de cette pièce qui me parait assez compliquée. Le travail sur la tête de lion est remarquable, bravo ! Vote Gold

    • Pablo Peinado

      Merci pour vos aimables paroles!

  • joseluiscabrera

    gran busto. ORO