Oldhammer Goblin Mercenary by Spiramirabilis Miniatures
Oldhammer Goblin Mercenary by Spiramirabilis Miniatures
Oldhammer Goblin Mercenary by Spiramirabilis Miniatures
Oldhammer Goblin Mercenary by Spiramirabilis Miniatures
This sculpt immediately gave me very strong Oldhammer vibes, so I decided to make my version a tribute to that 4th edition era of WHFB. This meant a lot of bright colours and patterns for days. I also wanted to keep a lot of the (very minimal) weathering quite crisp to fit the cartoony look.

Let me know what you think and be sure to check out my other projects too!

Find more of my work at:
Instagram: instagram.com/raddicraft
Youtube: youtube.com/raddicraft

  • davidg100

    Excellent on this super cool bust !
    You have very well succeeded the WHFB rendering

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    The saturated bright colours are insane! Really cool!

  • David_cualquiera

    Yup! gold for me, amazing color palette, love it!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Lovely version of this cool bust! A beauty to look at!

  • Ladislav "Gwinn" Indra

    I love the theme, brought me right back to my first encounter with the Warhammer world!