My rendition of the Mad Mage, by Studios.
He is one of my favourite sculpts from Loot, so I built him a narrative base. I found the here. Everything else is scratch built.
I love the water effect! Great scene you've done here. The C&C is that the highlights on the mage and the tentacles could be brought up a bit, and perhaps used to emphasize areas for the viewer to pay closer attention to. Composition is all good, the scene is fantastic, and there is great color harmony. :)
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
I love the water effect! Great scene you've done here. The C&C is that the highlights on the mage and the tentacles could be brought up a bit, and perhaps used to emphasize areas for the viewer to pay closer attention to. Composition is all good, the scene is fantastic, and there is great color harmony. :)Edson Tirelli
Thank you!Stephanie “FallingFreely” Krueger
Very cool. Love your colors, water effects, and base! Gold.Edson Tirelli
Thank you!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS