I present to you, a Norman Reedus as a stormcast. I've been sculpting this guy on and off for quite a while and I think I finally got him to a stage where I am happy with him. He has a difficult likeness to get right, but I hope it came out alright. Lets hope my horrendous paint job won't ruin him completely. Anyways, good weekend to you all! <br />
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Kind regards<br />
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
You got the likeness spot on, excellent sculpting!Thorbjorn Barone
Thank tou magnus!Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"
Fantastic Work!!!Thorbjorn Barone
Ty Angel!John Delamere
The Walking Dead 40k Amazing as always Thorbjorn!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
You're among the best... but guess you already know this =)Thorbjorn Barone
Thank you Nakatan! Your work is not too shabby yourself :DMartin Lavat
Gold, what else? Your work is amasing, as always!StephanPLUS
you captured him very well.Patrick "The Small" Masson
very great likenessPatrik HurtigPLUS
Excellent likeness! This version is so much better than the originalAlex ✍
Beautiful work Thorbjörn ❤️