Valeria, Light of the Dark Sun
My version of Valeria from Big Child Creatives.
There were many trials and errors.
The gold nmm on the wing was especially an interesting experiment for me.
Blending wasn't perfect on certain parts, but I have learned a lot from the process :)
  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Stunning and impressive paint job!  Gold for sure!

  • QZXC

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Fabulous nmm ! Gold

  • John Delamere


  • Huby

    beautiful, gold!

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great job! Gold!

  • davidg100

    I suppose you followed the Miniature art academy tutorial from David Aroba, and well, this is an excellent result !
    Hope I will reach the same level once I will decide to throw myself into it…

  • MartinSporka


  • scipion94

    Beautiful nmm. GOLD

  • joseluiscabrera
