Happy painting !!

No boobs,

No gun

only death

  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    This one is really disturbing!  Gold for you color choice and ambiant!

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Merci ! L’ambiance est le plus important sur cette pièce. La sculpture est ultra dérangeante.

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wow, this is super cool!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Houlà, Laurent, tu changes de sujet et tu changes de style !! Or

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Salut Eric,
      J’aime bien sortir de ma zone de confort. J’ai essayé de me relancer avec cette pièce. C’est rafraîchissant.

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Nice painting Laurent. Tres joli et simpat! Bonsoir,

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Y no estoy seguro que simpa sea lo mas adecuado para calificar esa pintura jejejejeje

  • TimPLUS

    Jesus that’s terrifying, that’s me not sleeping for at least a week!

    The colour choices are spot on mate, really ethereal and fear invoking. I do feel the paint job could be a little more refined, its a tad messy and feels more like a speed paint for that reason I’m voting silver. A little tidier and its an easy gold. Great job.

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Hi Tim, thank you so much for your comment. I prefer a silver (or whatever) with a constructive comment like yours to a silent gold (or a silent whatever). It’s true that I paint this bust in a speed painting mode, maybe because I was searching my pleasure painting, a kind of emotion and a sort of malefic ambiant.
      With your words, I’ll try to analyse my specific way of painting on this terrific bust to understand better my motivations.
      thanks !!

    • TimPLUS

      I really glad you see it that way mate, I’m the same with regards to feedback.

      Sometimes the best art just flows and time taken isn’t always a measure of worth. For me, the foundation of my paint jobs say 90% of the project, come together in the first few hours. The last 10% can take days though! That final 10% is what separates an average painting from a good painting (at least for me)

      As I say, you have all the building blocks here my friend, hapoy painting


    Really cool work.


    Il n’y a pas de quoi et je favorise la prémisse “no boobs, no gun ...”  ;)

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Hehe ! Il n’y a pas que les boobs&gun; dans la peinture de figurine ;)
      (Il y a aussi des Space Marines)

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    scary !

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS
