I finished this bust from Young minatures a couple of months ago. I have tried to paint the the warm sun that goes down from one direction with cold shadows on the opposite direction. I hope that you appriciate the figure.
Exellent work and very impressive ! Die Dastellung des himmels und des horizontes in den Brillengläsern ist Fullminant ! Gold für Dich Markus und meine Gratulation
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
awesome piece, total gold!Markus Eriksson
Thanks alot for your kind words!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Excellent work my friend, especially love the glasses and the ammo belt!Markus Eriksson
Thanks mate!girlpainter57
beautifully doneMarkus Eriksson
tanks for your kind word it really means alot:)Markus Eriksson
Thanks I am happy that you appriciate it.fabrizio1969PLUS
Very fine,goldMarkus Eriksson
Thank you vaer much!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Very nice results of the lights/shadows, warm/cold tones, and reflections! Gold!!Markus Eriksson
Thank you!Eduardo Garcia Lope
Fabulous!Markus Eriksson
Thanks!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
The glasses are great!Markus Eriksson
Thanks alot!Mariano del Olmo
Beautiful colors and lightning! Gold. Best, MarianoMarkus Eriksson
I am happy that you appriciate the figure!John Delamere
Great lighting and atmosphere! Beautiful!Markus Eriksson
Thanks alot!OvatsugRednal
I love it. You are great.Markus Eriksson
Thanks! Very inspiring to read your kind comment!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Exellent work and very impressive ! Die Dastellung des himmels und des horizontes in den Brillengläsern ist Fullminant ! Gold für Dich Markus und meine Gratulation