This is a second version of the El Dorado release from Broken Toad. Painted for a collector in New York.
The face is very expressive and so wanted to focus my attention there. Cuirass painted with metallic paints. <br />
Hope you like it!
Jay you gave a very impressive gallery. This goes in the books as one if my personal favorites from a long list of personal favorites from your creative mind. Gold
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Jay you gave a very impressive gallery. This goes in the books as one if my personal favorites from a long list of personal favorites from your creative mind. GoldMagnus FagerbergPLUS
Great work buddy!Holger SchwarzPLUS
künstlerisch sehr Ausdrucksstark !!! Meine AchtungAngel C Villalba "KaspareK"
Excelente trabajo!!! OroVitaly Lapshin
Excellent !!Eduardo Garcia Lope
Very good.Lada "Gwinn" Indra
Great work on the face! Wish the last 3 pictures were a bit better, I think they do a disservice to the quality of the paintjob.Mateu_Reb
Buen trabajo.fabrizio1969PLUS
Very nice,goldMarc MussatPLUS
great job Jason ! first picture is great ; the others are a bit over exposed ? it "flattens out" all the great subtle work you put in.Theodoros Giannakopoulos
perfect!Rod Curtis
Outstanding Jay! Gold"SCV Park" Yeong Min
great~! Gold~!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Very nice rendering of the face, giving life and character to the piece. Gold!!Steve "Babelfish" Riley
Top-drawer work there. Gold.