Captain Edward Teague 1/6 scale bust
  • Paraskeyas Marazakis

    Πολύ εκφραστικό βλέμμα και όμορφο βάψιμο!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    he’s alive 0_0

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    is it a 3D painting ?
    Even though it is very-very good, does not look to me any natural at all, but digital.

    • Alvise Ardenghi

      hi! it’s a 3D print painted by me, nothing digital (except for the printed model

    • Alvise Ardenghi

      i’ve added a picture taken during the wip with natural light to better show the work on the skintone

    • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

      Absolutely stunning ! Gold.

  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min


  • OrigalumPLUS

    Great painting and in my opinion on the second photo skin looks much realistic than on the first one. Amazing, gold!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Woaw, very impressive face !  Gold

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Increíble!!!! Parece de verdad un trabajo excelente!!! Oro.

  • Atila KawautiPLUS


  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Fantastische Arbeit - schönes Gold von mir
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser überaus beeindruckenden Kunst
    Herzliche Grüße Holger

  • John Delamere

    Amazing painting!

  • Simona "Simonab" Bordonaro
