I've been painting minis for over a year. Finally made a miniature, that is worthy of showing on this platform.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    gold from me
    you have spent this year quite well

    • Kirill "ToaDan"PLUS

      Thank you.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      @Nakatan: As an Editor on Putty&Paint; I want to point out that it is confusing to see you post “Gold! ” under almost every entry. Your intention with this is clear. You give many golds, you get many golds back. You do this so often and so fast after an upload that my guess is you are using a bot that is doing the work for you. In this case it is a pity and sad. I do not aim at this particular work, just the fact that I suppose you are working with a programmed bot.

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Золото. Работа хорошая и база хорошо получилась.

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Una figura muy bonita!!! Oro.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    For one year of painting this is really strong. Wow! Impressive. I love the look and feel of the base and the environment. Really comes together nicely with the figure. Many parts of the model are really cool, especially the metal parts, wings and face. The cloak and fabric beige belts don’t do it for me here and missing a level of detail and the game of shadow and light play. Values. The wings look like tons of work and is beatiful that you put it there. To push the miniature further I can suggest some things:

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      The face could recieve some skin variations to draw the viewers eye into it. Make it more interesting with reds, magentas and oranges. The many different feathers on the wings could recieve some variation in tones. A soft glaze of blue here, a warm glaze here. Just to make this big surface more interesting. If you think about the metals as a highly reflective surface they would also reflect green from your base back to areas that are pointing downwards. I really like her cold white blue make up on the eye. This is such a cool touch and connects with the wings. Overall this would be a solid bronze for me. I would even give you silver due your painting experience is just for one year. I would. And I do. Silver for me. Well done!

    • Kirill "ToaDan"PLUS

      Thank you for your honest assessment of my work. I understand that gold is far away. I am very interested in advice, for the sake of this I posted this miniature.

    • Kirill "ToaDan"PLUS

      I will try to take your advice into account in my future works. I am a beginner and the advice of professionals is important to me. Thanks again for the tips.

  • joseluiscabrera

    muy buen trabajo compañero. ORO