I got the model way back in november I think, so I need to dig up all the pictures I took back then - but for now here she is. Will add more photos.
<br />It was so much fun - you can probably see I enjoyed the backdrop. Backdrop is painted all in oil, and miniature in acrylic. <br />
The miniatures are so cool - and for this one I knew exactly what I wanted to do, which was to catch a real illustrative feel of a priestess descending a ritual, all beacons lit and the flying beasts roaring in the sky. It is rare I play with fantasy so much :)
This project is for sale
Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Wow incredible!Jakob V
Thank you so much Mariusgirlpainter57
the figure is one with the backdrop, truly stunningJakob V
Thanks so much! Happy to hear.OrigalumPLUS
Great painting but landscape is especially fascinating! It's gold!Jakob V
Thanks! :)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Wow, that backdrop one of the best i've seen. And the mini is great tooJakob V
Thanks so much :)Tobias_K_Aasvang
Just brilliant and a really evocatice piece!Jakob V
Thanks bud! My little golden bird.Roman LappatPLUS
Works ace with this backdrop! Great painting work!Jakob V
Thank you Roman. I feared the background would steal too much attention, but it was also impossible to fade even more without losing the story.Andrey Miroshnichenko
Excellent!Jakob V
Thank youeric wolfsPLUS
gold. What else ?Jakob V
Much appreciated EricBratishka0579
Сразу видно высоко художественную роспись.Bratishka0579
Сразу видно высокая художественная роспись,Заслуженное золото.Jakob V
благодарю вас. Я доволен.Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wonderful, I love it!Jakob V
Thanks a lot my friend! Big hug to you! Miss painting together.Alessia Amitrano
Really stunning background paintjob! Gold for meJakob V
Thanks!Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"
Preciosa pieza!!!! Oro.Jakob V
Much appreciatedFlo « FFF » Rochet
I’m really impressed how backdrop and mini are « a whole thing » that tell a story! Congrats!!! And already said but you really should go more often on fantasy!Jakob V
Thank you so much mate. Happy you like it.Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
fantastic mate!Jakob V
Thanks a lot Ivan. I liked this one too :)Patricia Sancho
LOVE the background workJakob V
Thanks so much Patricia! It was fun to do :)Francois "Frado" Daugny
Super well painted, perfectly fitting colors and atmosphere. Gold!!Jakob V
Thanks so much:)Danimontero
Great job and stunning background. Love the use of this miniature in a fantasy world. GoldJakob V
Thanks so much - it was a fun project. I gave the vision a lot of thought prior to beginning.Jay Martin (Redrum)
So coola nd nice touch with the Pterosaurs in the background...Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov
Awesome! Gold!Archigrog
A plot, a story…stunnigAnthony Wang
Really cool! The motion from the smoke, clouds, and dinos really accentuates mood and creepiness of the priestess…love it!Mariano del Olmo
Amazing painting Jacob! Great skin and atmosphere. Gold!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Wow! Gold