Icxtaka - Aradia Miniatures
This model is for Aradia. Icxtaka.
I got the model way back in november I think, so I need to dig up all the pictures I took back then - but for now here she is. Will add more photos.

It was so much fun - you can probably see I enjoyed the backdrop. Backdrop is painted all in oil, and miniature in acrylic.

The miniatures are so cool - and for this one I knew exactly what I wanted to do, which was to catch a real illustrative feel of a priestess descending a ritual, all beacons lit and the flying beasts roaring in the sky. It is rare I play with fantasy so much :)
This project is for sale
  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Wow incredible!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much Marius

  • girlpainter57

    the figure is one with the backdrop, truly stunning

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much! Happy to hear.

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Great painting but landscape is especially fascinating! It’s gold!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Wow, that backdrop one of the best i’ve seen.
    And the mini is great too

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much :)

  • Tobias_K_Aasvang

    Just brilliant and a really evocatice piece!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks bud! My little golden bird.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Works ace with this backdrop! Great painting work!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you Roman. I feared the background would steal too much attention, but it was also impossible to fade even more without losing the story.

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko


  • eric wolfsPLUS

    gold. What else ?

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Much appreciated Eric

  • Alexander Basov

    Сразу видно высоко художественную роспись.

  • Alexander Basov

    Сразу видно высокая художественная роспись,Заслуженное золото.

    • Jakob VPLUS

      благодарю вас. Я доволен.

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wonderful, I love it!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks a lot my friend! Big hug to you! Miss painting together.

  • Alessia Amitrano

    Really stunning background paintjob! Gold for me

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Preciosa pieza!!!! Oro.

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Much appreciated

  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    I’m really impressed how backdrop and mini are « a whole thing » that tell a story!
    And already said but you really should go more often on fantasy!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much mate. Happy you like it.

  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

    fantastic mate!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks a lot Ivan. I liked this one too :)

  • Patricia Sancho

    LOVE the background work

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much Patricia! It was fun to do :)

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Super well painted, perfectly fitting colors and atmosphere. Gold!!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much:)

  • Danimontero

    Great job and stunning background. Love the use of this miniature in a fantasy world. Gold

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much - it was a fun project. I gave the vision a lot of thought prior to beginning.

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    So coola nd nice touch with the Pterosaurs in the background…

  • Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov

    Awesome! Gold!

  • Archigrog

    A plot, a story…stunnig

  • Anthony Wang

    Really cool! The motion from the smoke, clouds, and dinos really accentuates mood and creepiness of the priestess…love it!

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Amazing painting Jacob! Great skin and atmosphere. Gold!

  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov

    Wow! Gold