my first attempt to create duel diorama. I call it "Ferocity vs. Trickery", ultimate fight between undead risen forces (with Bretony symobols - lore guys knows) by Flesh Eater Courts coven and Misweaver Saih, great mage of Ealves, dark Elves from Old fantasy. Its not perfect, but overall Im proud of it :)

I hope you will like it :)
More photos and separate painting of Archregent, Saih and base you can find on my instagram @lacikmaj :)

Happy painting!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Quite a complex scene. You did great on composition and lightning, gold from me

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Oh wow, great use of colour. Seems to tell quite a fantastical tale set in worlds far from ours.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very much Jakob, Im realy glad you enjoy this :) :)

  • Štěpán Tichý

    That vampire is superb. Great job buddy!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Absolutely impressive duel. Complex in composition and complex in color use. Really great work. Love how the magic is happening here. The NMM is fantastic. A gold medal from me. I got a bit of a feeling that the photos are a bit too bright and overexposed.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very much Roman! And Yes, you are right :( my photos is overexposed - my camera is little bad and my skill with photo correction is still poor :(

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Magnificent diorama! As always, colors are vibrant and painting is clean and precise. Definitely gold!

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Very eye catching piece. Duels imho are not an easy task because when there are only two models it can be hard to balance the scene. Rule of odds. But I think you’ve done a good job of that. Nice work. My only thought would be that it might be nice to have the area around the vampire be a bit darker to reflect his evil nature but maybe that’s just the photo too. Cheers.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very much Chris :) yes, you are right! - area on vampire side should be darker, but in fact it is darkened to purple and simmilar coldish colours, but it isnt good visible on the photo bcs of lack of my photo/photo-correction skills :( I have to teach to take better photos :D

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    That’s a diorama I had to think about a lot, story wise. She fights the vampire with light, but it is a corrupted light.
    It’s cool how you paint that. The greenish yellow in the middle and the purple under her.
    I couldn’t see if the vampire is on fire. Some Close ups would be nice to see it.
    I like your scene.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      Thank you very much Marius :) some close ups are on my instagram (@lacikmaj), I can upload 4 pics here only :-/

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Very impressive, full of complicated details. Gold!!

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Fantastica pieza!!! Oro.