Hello guys. My latest finished work. Giulia from Scientific models. I painted this model just for relax and enjoy it. So hope you like my creation
  • Ladislav MajerPLUS

    love the skin mate! Gold from me ^_^

  • Štěpán Tichý

    This must have been a great palette cleanser! I love the realistic skin tones!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    gold greath slin tone

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Nice painting !  Tribute to Pink Floyd. Gold

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Nice work!

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Muy bonita pieza!!!

  • MartinSporka

    Perfect skin tones. Gold!

  • John Delamere

    Hello hello…is there anybody in there?
    Damn cool piece and paint work.