Resin kit sculpted by Carles Vaquero for Alexandros Models. <br />
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Mixed media.
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Interesting model and painting! Very uncommon. Gold!
  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Expectacular pieza!!! Unos colores increíbles.
  • Peter (Chilwd)

    colourfull and very lively, nice job!!
  • Jakob V

    Oh my! Patricia this astounding, I love it. So beautiful! Editor’s pick from me…
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Brilliant paint job !
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Sehr interresantes Projekt - und auch eine ganz andere schöne Farbgebung . Sehr prachtvoll und gelungen !
  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Gran trabajo Patri, me gusta mucho el conjunto que has creado!!! Enhorabuena!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
  • Paul Groskopf

    BAM! What a impact... Really lovely! Maybe are figure and background fighting too much about the attention though.
  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Impressive play with color for a beautiful model! Gold