Hey guys! This is my version of this awesome sculpt from Creepy Tables. A bit more textures and materials to paint than what I usually take as a personal project.

I had a lot of fun painting it, trying different techniques with the oils to get texture and details. So there was a lot of learning involved. The only thing I didn't enjoy as much was painting the eyes, which have the iris and pupil sculpted. I think it takes away some creativity when painting and I even struggled more while painting them.

I hope you like it!


Hola a todos! Les dejo la esta figura de la marca Creepy Tables que tiene una calidad excelente. Tiene algo más texturas y materiales diferentes para recrear pintando, a diferencia del resto de los bustos que he pintado, así que fue un proceso con bastante aprendizaje.

Lo único que no disfruté mucho al pintar fueron los ojos, ya que tienen el iris y la pupila esculpidos, y creo que quita la posibilidad de agregar creatividad en la mirada al pintar. Además me costó bastante más pintarlos de esta forma.

Espero les guste!
  • MosesPLUS

    You osl is literally the best

    • MosesPLUS


    • Andrés Harambour

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment :)

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Deine Wandlungsfähigkeit finde ich sehr interresant !
      Dein Mädchen ist sehr schön und Ausdrucksstark geworden ...

    Gold von mir und ich bin gespannt , was noch von Dir kommt
            Grüße Holger

    • Andrés Harambour

      Thank you so much, Holger for your very kind words. I’ll be uploading a few more this week.


  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Great work!! Congrats

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Superb, very different to other versions seen before. ¡Muy Buen trabajo!

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    Great work! The soft lighting change is outstanding. You did great on the eyes, despite the difficulty. I actually used milliput to resculpt mine to be orbs, instead of having sculpted irises. Kinda a pain in the rear to do.

    • Andrés Harambour

      Thank you! I thought about doing it but I was too afraid to ruin it as my putty skills are not the best, lol

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    great osl, gold!


    i totally agree about the sculpted eyes ... but you did a great job : Gold

  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Preciosa pieza!!! Oro.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great painting ! Gold

  • Nate CooperPLUS

    Love your version.  Gold!  Totally agree when it comes to sculpted eyes.  I now have resorted to filling the sculpted irises with a tiny dot of putty.  The sculpted eyes are much harder to paint, and less satisfying.  Even if the putty doesn’t get perfectly smooth, it isn’t a problem at the small scale and any frustration dealing with that surface is a good trade off IMO :-)

    • Andrés Harambour

      Thanks, Nate! I’m definitely trying that next time I come across sculpted eyes!

  • John Delamere


  • pstockley

    Beautiful job, especially with the lighting.

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great Job! Excellent! Gold!

  • milesli1981
