Hey guys! This is my version of this awesome sculpt by Lucas Pina from Spiramirabilis Miniatures. I chose this extreme OSL effect to take advantage of the wooden stick with fire. It was a very challenging process but I'm pretty happy with the result. It took me longer than expected as I went back and forth with the lighting effects.

I hope you like it. As always, painted with oils.


Hola a todos! Esta es mi versión de este genial busto esculpido por Lucas Pina de Spiramirabilis Miniatures. Elegí este esquema OSL bien extremo para aprovechar el palo con fuego. Fue todo un desafío pero estoy bastante contento con el resultado. Me tomó bastante más tiempo de lo que pensé que iba a tomar porque tuve muchos idas y vueltas con el efecto de luz.

Espero que les guste. Como siempre, pintado con óleos.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    awesome osl gold
  • Holger Schwarz

    Fantastisch gearbeitet Andreas , eine sehr besondere Bemalung : Ja , was er sieht wird wohl nachdenklich machen . Wenn sich die Welt so weiter verändert , sehen wir bald alle wieder so aus - wie unsere Vorfahren . Ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Deinem Werk ! viele Grüße und Gold von mir
    • Andrés Harambour

      Thank you, Holger, as usual for your very kind words. I'm glad you like it!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great OSL - Gold
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Fabuloso, gran trabajo.
  • MartinSporka

    The effect is wonderful, gold!
  • Alessia Amitrano

    I really like this OSL. It's not particularly bright, probably because of the use of oils (which I have never used, so it's only a supposition) but it's really well executed. Gold.
    • Andrés Harambour

      Thank you, Alessia! I think I just gave it that dimmer effect on the OSL, not really an oil thing. Thanks for the input!
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    gold :)
  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Excellent job! Gold!
  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Excelente OSL!!! Oro.
  • FranNarváez

  • Fabio Ricci

    Great work!
  • milesli1981
