Hi everyone, this bust of Colonel Kurt is one of the last ones I have been able to sculpt digitally. I hope you like it and leave your comments, if any of you is interested in getting a copy you can do it through the Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/angellopezbravo/colonel-kurt-resin-bust

Best regards, Ángel
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Oh wow. Simple yet artistic, something you can see not too often on digital sculpts.
    The one i will paint gladly. Sadly, can’t enter kikstarter due to anti-russian sanctions, hope i could get a copy after the war ends.
    Gold of course.

    • Ángel López-Bravo

      Thank you Nakatan, I’m glad to read your words, I wanted to make it look as handmade as possible. When the war is over I will have a copy for you. Thanks again

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Gran trabajo, de diseño, muy bueno el kit final.

  • FranNarváez
